
Zebra-Roaming Vaporware?

25.12.2002 18:04 - Gestartet von kai poehlmann

Das Konzept hinter Zebraroaming mag zwar nicht schlecht
sein, aber es ist ja weiterhin ein Roaming-Agreement
mötig, da ja die Simkarte authorisiert werden muß.

Warum sollten Netzbetreiber soetwas mitmachen, wenn
man an den Gesprächen nichts mehr verdienen kann. Der
Heimatnetzbetreiber verdient ja weder an weitergeleiteten
Gesprächen (man bekommt ja eine Rufnummer des besuchten
Netzes) noch an geführten Gesprächen.

In Deutschland wäre das für Besucher ja eher unpraktisch.
Man bekäme je nach Netz vier verschiedene Rufnummern.

Gibt es schon Netzbetreiber die Zebraroaming anbieten?

[1] ZEBRA is real
zebraroaming antwortet auf kai poehlmann
27.12.2002 05:57
SYSTRAN translation:
The concept behind Zebraroaming may not be bad, but it is further a Roaming Agreement moetig, since the Simkarte must be authorized.

Why network carriers should go through soetwas, if one can earn nothing more at the discussions. The homeland network carrier earns neither at passed on discussions (one gets a call number of the visited network) still at led discussions.

In Germany would be rather unpractical for visitors. One would get four different call numbers depending upon network.

Is there network carrier the Zebraroaming already offers?

Replies ...

ZEBRA Roaming is real. The technology is there. For you to be able to use a ZEBRA based roaming service, at least one carrier in the country you visit must sign up for it. Be patient.

1) Roaming Agreement

In the GSM environment, authentication of a SIM card in a visited network takes place even if the home network refuses roaming. In other words, the home network answers "yes, the SIM is authentic, but we don't allow roaming". This is the way how GSM works. ZEBRA uses this as a trigger to create an instant account. In other works, with ZEBRA, the visited network says "OK, you won't pay for this guy, then we charge him directly".

The burden of roaming agreements comes from the commercial terms and the home operator's credit risk. This is eliminated with ZEBRA. All the home operator has to do is respond with a negative reply.

2) Why mobile carriers should go through with ZEBRA

At present roaming is a tiny niche market. Roaming revenue only represents 0.36% of tourist expenditure. That means, of every 100 USD (or Euros) spent by tourists, only 36 cents are spend on roaming services. Mobile carriers need new revenue to get back on their feet. ZEBRA allows carriers to find that revenue in the 500+ billion dollar tourist market (270 billion in Europe). The conventional roaming model has failed to make an impact in the consumer segment because it is too expensive.

In respect of revenue from subscribers leaving ... The idea behind ZEBRA Roaming is to make money on inbound tourists instead on taxing those who leave. The overall increase in volume will make it worth while. Nevertheless, home operators can still earn revenue on services supporting their subscribers while they roam overseas. With ZEBRA, they can offer a variety of call forwarding and unified messaging services. The margins are lower, but the volume is higher and the cost and risk is drastically reduced.

Volkswagen in your country is one of the biggest car makers of the world. They sell cars at market prices in big volume. At the same time, they bought Bentley, one of the most prestigious brands, selling only a few cars at high margins. Would you suggest that VW should abandon their volume business because they have got Bentley now ? They do both, but in different ways.

ZEBRA Roaming was designed to coexist peacefully with the conventional method. So, operators can offer both models in parallel and it will be up to subscribers to choose which one they prefer. Carriers who don't offer choices to their customers are unlikely to survive in the long term. ZEBRA is all about giving people choice.

In the EU, carriers have one more compelling reason to deploy ZEBRA: The EU competition watchdog is going after them and they may be fined or roaming tariffs may be regulated below cost. Using ZEBRA, mobile carriers in the EU could avoid this.

3) Would you get four different instant account while roaming in Germany (where there are four different networks) ?

No, you wouldn't. ZEBRA knows that you have already got an instant account with another domestic network. Your visited network is chosen when you first arrive in the country and you will stay with that network (and the number) for the duration of your visit. Of course, you can tell ZEBRA to change the network if you want to, but by default it won't change until you leave.

4) Are there any carriers who already offer ZEBRA Roaming ?

At present we are working on a roaming service for Japan and China. A ZEBRA license holder is in talks with a consortium of carriers in India (where roaming tariffs have been regulated).

Europe is on our list and European carriers are interested. However, ZEBRA represents a paradigm shift and many decision makers are limited by current perception. They need a little time for the ZEBRA concept to settle down in their minds. Once things go well in Japan, the Europeans will jump on it.

Anyway, you can help by spreading the word. The more consumers know about ZEBRA the faster it will arrive at your doorstep. Tell your neighbour. Tell your friends. Tell your mobile phone company you would like them to offer ZEBRA roaming service.


PS: one example of a carrier who does very well with a "no roaming charges" philosophy is Nextel in the US. Many others had to follow their lead to stay competitive. Roaming charges will eventually be abandoned globally. ZEBRA Roaming is a concept that can make this possible. The question is no longer "how" but "when".

ZEBRA Roaming - roaming without the roaming charges
[1.1] Zebra Vaporware - War: ZEBRA is real
kai poehlmann antwortet auf zebraroaming
08.12.2003 11:00

Benutzer zebraroaming schrieb:

ZEBRA Roaming is real. The technology is there. For you to be able to use a ZEBRA based roaming service, at least one carrier in the country you visit must sign up for it. Be patient.

Genau das ist aber doch, was Vaporware ausmacht... :-)

3) Would you get four different instant account while roaming in Germany (where there are four different networks) ?

No, you wouldn't. ZEBRA knows that you have already got an instant account with another domestic network. Your visited network is chosen when you first arrive in the country and you will stay with that network (and the number) for the duration of your visit. Of course, you can tell ZEBRA to change the network if you want to, but by default it won't change until you leave.

Ah ja. Das heisst, das erste Netz gewinnt...

Nun ja.
